Automation workshopCurrent Location :Home > Automation workshop
Automation workshop
The company adheres to the principle of putting people first and taking technological innovation as the guide, vigorously developing automation machinery technology, investing in many automation machinery to improve production and research and development technology, and has successively developed more than 2000 types of switch products.
  • Tel: 0769-86385824
  • Fax: 0769-86385824
  • Mob: 13924375829/13266184785
  • Contact: Mr Ni
  • E-mail:
  • Address: 2nd Floor, Building 9, Shuinan Dongci First Industrial Zone, Shijie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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DC socket series
Key switch series
Cross handle toggle switch series
Straight handle toggle switch series
Light touch switch series
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